Make Your Dream LSAT Score a Reality

with Unlocking LSAT Success

The only book that shows you the “Socratic Method” for simplifying LSAT Prep and scoring in the 99th percentile

  • Read in one sitting

  • Learn a simple, structured way to prep

  • Get into your dream law school

  • Without having to spend hours drilling PTs and seeing zero results.

  • Without getting bogged down by dense prep material that takes you nowhere.

  • And without having to burn yourself out to improve your score.

Make Your Dream LSAT Score

a Reality with

Unlocking LSAT Success

The only book that shows you the “Socratic Method” for simplifying LSAT Prep and scoring in the 99th percentile

  • Read in one sitting

  • Learn a simple, structured way to prep

  • Get into your dream law school

  • Without having to spend hours drilling PTs and seeing zero results.

  • Without getting bogged down by dense prep material that takes you nowhere.

  • And without having to burn yourself out to improve your score.

Picture this...

You feel zero overwhelm or doubt about your LSAT prep because you have a simple, reliable roadmap that reveals everything you need to know to get the score you want.

You sit for the test, and rather than feel like your heart’s going to leap out of your chest, you’re calm. Because you look at the questions in front of you and see the matrix designed by the test makers… making it almost easy for you to get the right answers.

You no longer feel like getting into a top law school is a far-fetched dream. Instead, your only problem would be picking which law school to go to out of all the ones that accept you!

That’s what you think of when you wake up –

and dream about when you go to sleep.

But the reality couldn’t be more different…

Because currently you're...

  • Tearing through PT after PT for several hours per day or week. But, to your despair, your scores still aren’t anywhere near where you want them to be.

  • Bogged down by the endless amount of study “hacks” and dense prep materials available to you.

  • Overwhelmed and frustrated because you're not improving fast enough

  • Not even sure you're on the right path to get the score you want.

  • Burdened by self-doubt and anxiety about your ability to ace the test.

  • Stressed out about whether you’ve chosen the right career.

  • Wondering if you have what it takes to get into law school... whether being a lawyer is a dream you can actually achieve.


It’s not your fault you're struggling to get your dream score.

You just don’t have a method that guides you to ace the test…

You need a method...

  • for deeply understanding the LSAT questions.

  • That helps you extract information from each question and see into the minds of the test makers.

  • That has worked for thousands of students and improved and reach (even surpass!) their LSAT goals!

This breakthrough method exists! And it’s called...

The Socratic Review Method

The Socratic Review Method

A simple, relatively little-known process that draws out the real reason

you struggle with a particular question, question type, or section of the test...

...while simultaneously giving you the solution to that problem!

All to help you understand the LSAT better so you can get your dream score.

And everything you need to know about using this

unique method to skyrocket your score is laid out in...

Unlocking LSAT Success

A “read-in-one-sitting” roadmap for using the Socratic Review Method to structure and simplify your LSAT prep –

so you can improve your LSAT score. 

A “read-in-one-sitting” roadmap for using the Socratic Review Method to structure and simplify your LSAT prep – so you can improve your LSAT score. 

You can get Unlocking LSAT Success today for just $4.99

Once you grab Unlocking LSAT Success,

here’s exactly how your LSAT journey could be transformed:

Once you grab

Unlocking LSAT Success,

here’s exactly how your LSAT journey could be transformed:

  • You breeze through the book and start to use the Socratic Review Method… and in virtually no time, you begin to see the traps test makers use to trip unsuspecting students – bright as day. When this happens, the right answers start coming almost easily to you…

  • You begin to feel confident and at ease with your studying – not only because this simple strategy will show you exactly what you need to work on to get your dream score… but also because you’ll start to see improvements fast…

  • And best of all – the day finally comes when you get the score you dream of from the actual test. And your emotions change from sheer disbelief to pure elation as you finally prove to yourself… and everyone who ever doubted you… that you have what it takes to get into law school and fulfill your dream of becoming a lawyer!

Many, many other students have gone through the same transformation

by using the strategies in Unlocking LSAT Success

Many, many other students have gone through the same transformation by using the strategies in

Unlocking LSAT Success

Here’s a glance at just some of what you’ll learn in

Unlocking LSAT Success

on top of the Socratic Review Method

Part 1: What it takes to be a top scorer

  • How much time should you spend studying per day to radically improve your score? It’s much less than you might think. But find the answer on page 19.

  • A common, but fatal LSAT prep strategy. Too many students fall into this trap – and it keeps their scores from improving. What to use instead on page 5.

  • The secret to getting fast at taking the actual test– while STILL making sure to get a top score. Page 18

  • And a lot more simple mindset tweaks that radically boost your LSAT score!

Part 2: The “Dream Score Toolbox” at your fingertips

  • How to make Logical Reasoning simple. 3 small, but powerful habits you must develop to skyrocket your scores in LR. Page 64

  • A simple trick to almost double your reading speed for RC! Take in passages at 350+ words per minute – without losing the meaning of what you’re reading. Page 79

  • And a lot more insider strategies to successfully tackle each section of the test!

Part 3: The Road to 170+

  • Why doing timed exams daily can make you slower at the LSAT. Page 103

  • The simple 3-step study plan for scoring a 170 or above. Easy to customize based on where you are in your prep, and how long you want to study for. Page 105

  • What you must do 2 weeks before the actual test if you want to ace it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Page 108

  • And a lot more often overlooked strategies to study smarter for the LSAT!

Best part is, you’ll get all this awesome

score-boosting insight for just $4.99

You’ll also get access to all of these

amazing BONUSES...

Bonus #1: Study Blueprint

Harnessing advanced learning techniques and gamified elements… this compact, easy-to-digest combination of content and mobile app makes it easy for you to study and improve fast – in the short time you have available. Plus: It integrates seamlessly into your daily routine!

Value: $3,000

Bonus #2: Flashcards

To help you review key concepts and strategies, you'll receive a set of printable flashcards that you can use to quiz yourself on the go. These flashcards cover everything: Logical Reasoning; Reading Comprehension … and are an easy and convenient way to review the material covered in the book.

Value: $300

Bonus #3: "Cheat Sheets"

To help you apply what you're learning from Unlocking LSAT Success, you'll also receive a set of worksheets with practice exercises. These worksheets are designed to help you practice your skills and reinforce your understanding of the concepts covered in the book. So you can internalize them and boost your chances of acing the test.

Value: $500

Bonus #4: The "Never Quit" Accountability System

This popular, on-demand system has helped even the worst procrastinators show up consistently to study for the test. The "Never Quit" Accountability System is a set of carefully designed lessons that show you how to study at your pace, on your schedule. Even if you've struggled with studying in the past, this system will be a game changer for you.

Value: $5,000

Bonus #5: Quick Summaries for LSAT Prep

Make studying for the test simple with these easy-to-use guides. To help you organize your thoughts and approach to Logical Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension, you'll receive template outlines that you can use as a guide. These outlines will provide a structure for organizing your thoughts and breaking down the questions, making it easier for you to identify key points and develop your own strategies for tackling these sections.

Value: $500

Bonus #6: Video Walkthroughs of Practice Questions

To help you better understand how to approach the various types of questions on the LSAT, you'll receive a series of video walkthroughs of practice questions. These videos will provide step-by-step explanations of how to use the Socratic Review Method to approach and solve questions, giving you a deeper understanding of the strategies and techniques needed to succeed on the LSAT.

Value: $1,000

Bonus #7: Unlocking LSAT Success - the Audiobook

Prefer listening to your books? Along with your digital copy of Unlocking LSAT Success, you’ll also get a 3.5+ hour, professionally narrated, downloadable audio version of the book – free.

Here’s the full picture of everything you’ll get with

Unlocking LSAT Success

  • Unlocking LSAT Success – a roadmap for using the Socratic Review Method to skyrocket your test score to 170+

  • BONUS #1: The Ultimate "Improve While You're Working or In School" Study Blueprint ($5,000 Value)

  • BONUS #2: Unlocking LSAT Success Flashcards ($300 Value)

  • BONUS #3: The Quick-Reference 2-page "Cheat Sheets" For Each LSAT Section ($500 Value)

  • BONUS #4: The "Never Quit" Accountability System ($5,000 Value)

  • BONUS #5: The Quick Summaries for LSAT Prep ($500 Value)

  • BONUS #6: Video Walkthroughs of Practice Questions ($1,000 Value)

  • BONUS #7: Unlocking LSAT Success – the Audiobook

  • Unlocking LSAT Success – a roadmap for using the Socratic Review Method to skyrocket your test score to 170+

  • BONUS #1: The Ultimate "Improve While You're Working or In School" Study Blueprint ($5,000 Value)

  • BONUS #2: Unlocking LSAT Success Flashcards ($300 Value)

  • BONUS #3: The Quick-Reference 2-page "Cheat Sheets" For Each LSAT Section ($500 Value)

  • BONUS #4: The "Never Quit" Accountability System ($5,000 Value)

  • BONUS #5: The Quick Summaries for LSAT Prep ($500 Value)

  • BONUS #6: Video Walkthroughs of Practice Questions ($1,000 Value)

  • BONUS #7: Unlocking LSAT Success – the Audiobook

TOTAL VALUE: $12,300

Yours today for just $4.99

One Year Money Back Guarantee

Unlocking LSAT Success will give you the complete roadmap to using

the Socratic Review Method and getting the score you want on the LSAT.

If you’re not satisfied with the book for ANY reason – send a quick email to within a year of getting the book.

You’ll get a prompt refund – no questions asked!

You may be wondering at this point:

who’s behind Unlocking LSAT Success

and the Socratic Review method?

You may be wondering at this point: who’s behind

Unlocking LSAT Success

and the Socratic Review method?

Hey, I’m Steve Schwartz, and I can’t wait to help you ace the LSAT and get into your dream law school.

Way back when I was studying for the LSAT, I struggled for an entire year with the test and couldn’t seem to make any progress. 

I’d tried everything I could – using all the traditional LSAT prep methods available to me – from tutors to courses to endless PTing. Nothing worked for me. 

So I decided to do something different. I spent countless hours researching and studying… 

Until I finally developed a simple, unique system that took me from being stuck in the low 150s to getting a 175 on the ACTUAL test! 

Since then, I’ve used this simple, unique method to help thousands of other students go from struggling with the LSAT… to acing it in record time. And it’s that exact system – called the Socratic Review Method – that you will discover in Unlocking LSAT Success. 

Get your copy today and take the first step towards achieving your dreams of getting into a top law school.

- Steve

Mastering the LSAT

Here’s What’s Waiting For You When You Purchase Mastering the LSAT

  • Mastering the LSAT Digital Book

  • Bonus #1: Access to Online Q&A Sessions

  • Bonus #2: Flashcards

  • ​Bonus #3: Worksheets

  • ​Bonus #4: On-Demand Video Lessons

  • ​Bonus #5: Template Outlines for Logic Games,                   Logical Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension

  • ​Bonus #6: Video Walkthroughs of Practice                           Questions

  • ​Bonus #7: Mastering the LSAT Audiobook

Mastering the LSAT

Here’s What’s Waiting For You When You Purchase Mastering the LSAT

It’s important you know who

Unlocking LSAT Success is for and isn't for


  • You’re ready to master the LSAT and get into the law school of your dreams

  • You’re tired of feeling overwhelmed by the LSAT and unsure of where to start

  • You want to prove to yourself and everyone around you that you have what it takes to be a lawyer


  • You already have mastery over the LSAT and know exactly how to get a top score

  • You feel like there’s nothing new out there for you to discover about studying for the LSAT

  • You’re not ready to put in the work necessary to ace the test


  • You already have mastery over the LSAT and know exactly how to get a top score

  • You feel like there’s nothing new out there for you to discover about studying for the LSAT

  • You’re not ready to put in the work necessary to ace the test

Frequently Asked Questions

Is your book really worth $4.99?

That’s an understandable thing to ask. But I think the real question here is: Will you get the return on investment you’re looking for once you get and use the strategies in the book? The answer to that is simply, yes. The Socratic Review Method I lay out in Unlocking LSAT Success is the same strategy I and thousands of others have used to get top scores in the LSAT. And it can do the same for you, too, for about the price of a cup of coffee.

What if I don’t have time to commit to following your roadmap?

That’s the great thing about Unlocking LSAT Success. I lay out strategies that take into account the fact that not many people can study as a full-time job. In fact, I actively advocate for students to spend less time studying than what many are likely to obsessively do. But the fact remains: If you want to ace the LSAT, you can make time for it.

What if I don’t want to change the way I’m studying right now?

You don’t have to! The Socratic Review Method isn’t a total upheaval of your current study strategy. It’s something to help make your studying more effective and more likely to get you to your dream score. It’s more like adding vegetables to your diet rather than becoming fully vegan.

Will the Socratic Review Method really be able to help me improve my scores?

For close to two decades I’ve helped thousands of students get their dream scores and get into their dream law schools. Throughout all that time – I’ve relied on only one strategy to help them master the test.

That strategy is the Socratic Review Method. It has – and continues to – work to help struggling students demystify the test and get the score they want. It can do the same for you, too. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been struggling for a while or are new to prepping for the LSAT.

This strategy will help you get into the minds of the LSAC. It will help you gain confidence with the test and skyrocket your score. So you can get into law school and prove to everyone your dream was never far-fetched.

Structure & simplify your LSAT prep

so you can get your DREAM SCORE!

Structure & simplify your LSAT prep so you can get your DREAM SCORE!

Unlocking LSAT Success reveals the roadmap you need to achieve your dream score… so you get into law school and become a lawyer. 

A few months and an application cycle from now, you could be preparing to start 1L in a law school of your choice.

Simply because you chose to invest in yourself and actively used the strategies you discovered in Unlocking LSAT Success.

This can be your reality if you make the right decision today!

Unlocking LSAT Success reveals the roadmap you need to achieve your dream score… so you get into law school and become a lawyer. 

A few months and an application cycle from now, you could be preparing to start 1L in a law school of your choice.

Simply because you chose to invest in yourself and actively used the strategies you discovered in Unlocking LSAT Success.

This can be your reality if you make the right decision today!

Unlocking LSAT Success

Just $4.99 today!

  • Unlocking LSAT Success Digital Book

  • BONUS #1: The Ultimate "Improve While You're Working or In School" Study Blueprint

  • BONUS #2: Unlocking LSAT Success Flashcards

  • BONUS #3: The Quick-Reference 2-page "Cheat Sheets" For Each LSAT Section

  • BONUS #4: The "Never Quit" Accountability System

  • BONUS #5: The Quick Summaries for LSAT Prep

  • BONUS #6: Video Walkthroughs of Practice Questions

  • BONUS #7: Unlocking LSAT Success – the Audiobook

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